Internalization and Educational Excellence at Concordia University of Edmonton
February 28, 2015
Concordia University of Edmonton, the 93-year-old institution long known for its excellence in teaching and student-centered philosophy, is dramatically expanding internationally.
“We have set a new strategy and academic-administrative vision with a strong international outlook,” explained Mr. Manfred Zeuch, Vice President International. “In 2012, only 3% of our students were international students. That number more than tripled to 10% of the student body this year.”
In 2012, Concordia was approached by the Canadian Bureau of International Education (CBIE) to provide English training for the Science without Borders program and welcomed 20 Brazilian students. Concordia’s international partnerships have grown further through connections built through faculty research abroad and strategic outreach with Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), NAFSA and the European Association for Education (EAIE).
Added Mr. Zeuch, “We have thirty partnerships around the world, of which nine are in Brazil. With the University of São Paulo, for example, we are working with the Economics, Arts and Sciences, and Letters and Arts faculties. We are also working with The Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, the PUC-Rio and with other universities. We are actively reaching out to build more relationships abroad.”
“Several partners approached us specifically because they are interested in collaborating with a small university emerging on the international scene,” said Mr. Zeuch.
Concordia specializes in niche programs including environmental health and offers one of the top education programs in Canada. Moreover, the Masters of Information System and Security Management (MISSM) is recognized nationally and internationally. Two new programs are also being considered: the School of Optometry and an applied Doctorate in Psychology.
Concordia offers the highest student satisfaction in Alberta according to surveys and is committed to offering a community environment and specialized resources for students’ health, psychological needs, spirituality and disability services. “We have a small, safe and beautiful campus at the bank of the river valley. Parents can be confident that the students feel like they are in a community, and do not feel lost,” highlighted Mr. Zeuch.
Looking forward, Mr. Zeuch declared, “We want to deepen relationships with Brazilian universities and see more Brazilian students enroll directly at Concordia. We also wish to emphasize study abroad, and ideally see more Brazilian universities offer Portuguese language study and classes taught in English to encourage student exchanges. Internationalization is a key priority for us.”
Part of Hole Acedmic Centre at Concordia

Concordia University College of Alberta