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Saxony Ready to Expand Economic Interactions with Brazil
October 3, 2014 

The Saxony region of Germany has proven a top location for interaction with highly qualified professionals and globally competitive companies. Mario Kristen of the Saxony Economic Development Corporation and the group Invest in Saxony explained, “Our motto is that it’s all about the people. They are Saxony’s greatest assets.”


Hard-working Saxons provide top-notch research across 22 industrial research organizations, including one of the most important centers of microelectronics, the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed).  Cooperating with Brazil, the cfaed hosts a three-year research project on organic electronics with the University of Brasilia, as part of the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program. Dr. Martin Claus, group leader in the cfaed research path Carbon at Technische Universität Dresden stated, “Organic electronics is an interesting, future-oriented field for investment and development. The cfaed can support microelectronics initiatives in Brazil, both for conventional and new electronics.”


As in Brazil, the automotive industry is thriving in Saxony with BMW manufacturing Germany’s first mass-produced electric car in city of Leipzig, Germany. “Autoland Saxony” includes five production sites for Volkswagen, BMW, and Porsche, and engineers in Dresden, Germany are currently working on lightweight cars that could appeal the growing middle-class in Brazil.


Several other pathways of intellectual and research-oriented cooperation exist between Saxony and Brazil. Invest in Saxony helps facilitate relationship-building events for Saxon companies such as Hospitalar 2013 in São Paulo. Invest in Saxony’s Mr. Kristen advised, “We tell our companies that they must be patient and long-term oriented when working with Brazil; it is about relationships.”


Another example of Saxony’s outreach to Brazil is the International Water Research Alliance Saxony, which is developing specific solutions to integrated water resources management in five hydrologically-sensitive regions around the world, including Brazil.


Across other industries, mechanical engineers and machine construction companies in Saxony are working on innovative manufacturing solutions revolving around energy-efficient production, renewable energy, e-mobility and new materials. In Dresden, GLOBALFOUNDRIES operates its leading production site, one of the most modern wafer factories. Also in Dresden, Infineon is expanding its plant into the world’s first high-volume production site for power semiconductors based on 300-millimeter wafers.


The Saxony region provides a great foundation for building global partnerships.  The region is a hub for small and medium sized enterprises that are well placed to serve corporations, both in Saxony and in Brazil. With a solid foundation of research, production, and high quality of life, Saxony is well placed to facilitate future growth with Brazil.

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